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UK Broadband Coverage & Speedtest Result Maps

Coverage Figures Last Updated: 21-09-2024
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Map layers are updated over the course of every month.
Screen shots can be shared so long as the attribution section in the bottom right of the map is included in any screen shot and thinkbroadband is credited.
Commercial use of map tiles requires a prior agreement.
Dots in the various map layers refer to postcodes and for availability reflect what the majority of premises shoud be able to get.

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National Superfast Picture

Superfast 30 Mbps and faster

Generated: Saturday 21st September 2024

UK 98.1%
England 98.3%
Northern Ireland 98.4%
Scotland 96.6%
Wales 97.3%

Full Fibre - Fibre to the Premises

Generated: Saturday 21st September 2024

UK 70.5%
England 70.4%
Northern Ireland 95.5%
Scotland 63.4%
Wales 70.3%

The generated date is when coverage was at the figures quoted. There is a small amount of lag between broadband infrastructure providers making services available and appearing in the statistics. For VDSL2/FTTC services this is around 2 to 4 weeks, and for FTTP (full fibre) a further couple of weeks should be allowed. If you have a service available and our searches do not indicate it is do feel free to report an addition.

We aim to update the coverage percentages weekly, with the underlying service availability for postcode searches changing several times in a week.

The Governments 95% superfast target is based on the over 24 Mbps definition for superfast services.